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Monday, 19 October 2015

Book Review | Broken Dolls by James Carol

"Jefferson Winters is the son of one of the most renowned serial killers in the US. This meant that he could have swung one of two ways; he could either have followed his father into the murderous game, or he could spend his life fighting everything his father stood for. He chose the latter. A retired FBI profiler, Winter is now a freelance investigator for anyone with interesting enough cases, and this is how he ends up in London attempting to solve a case where multiple women are being abducted, lobotomised and released."

The premise of this book is amazing. I think it's unique and well thought out, and is a real "keep you on the edge of your seat" book. And yet it managed to incorporate humour to some degree as well, which is rare in a book of the thriller genre. I appreciated that. Everything ties up neatly and the characters are developed well throughout. Overall the entire premise is fantastic and well executed.

However, I only rated it 3 stars. I found the protagonist to be far too irritatingly perfect with no flaws whatsoever besides who his father was, and there were some continuity issues (one particularly irritating case where the protagonist is listening to music on his laptop and within three lines is then digging it out of his bag) that really bugged me. This combined with some glaringly obvious spelling and grammatical issues dampened the story line for me, which was actually a very well thought out plot.

Would have been 4 were it not for those niggling little grammatical issues. Five stars would have been given if his protagonist were likeable and not a hero straight out of a Disney Classic film.

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